
Cinquecento-novanta-nove-virgola-ventuno furbate (mica fesso l'amico)

"Rankin is known for his vibrant shots of the world’s most famous faces, from Kate Moss and Daniel Craig to the Rolling Stones and Madonna. He has even photographed Queen Elizabeth II. But for RankinLive, which has been running for 15 years, he invites members of the public to have their portraits taken. At the inaugural event in London, in 2009, he shot more than 1,800 people, and he has since rolled it out in six cities around the world. ‘Everyone has the right to experience and enjoy photography,’ goes the tagline, although it comes at a price – the photo shoot costs £500."

Ps. A parte sta pover' Maronna in cover, capelli rasati non à la page bensì per la sua disperata lotta a base chemioterapia usualissima di sti tempi infami; la messa in pagina, quindi, e soprattutto il beffardo e sotteso sarcasmo (etimo scarnificare!) "Everyone has the right to experience and enjoy photography" sembra rifare il verso della Coca-Cola durante la Seconda Guerra mondiale, quando ai Gm per sostenerne il "morale" prima della morte per fucilata avversa, diceva il jingle che i "nostri" ragazzi devono poter trovare (mica regalare!) una bottiglia a pochi centesimi poi chi s'è visto s'è visto. Mors tua vita mea, no?

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